MisterBond's Asset Allocation Calculator
Video Walkthrough
MisterBond's Algorithm gives equal weightage to both market PE and PB. This Algo comes with a number everyday based on which an Investor or an Advisor (for their investors) can use this Algo number to understand optimal allocation between debt and equity of a fund house based on Equity Market valuations to start with. They can, based on their comfort reallocate between debt and equity either on monthly or quarterly basis. This is alternative to the Mutual Fund Industry Mantra of BUY and HOLD. This strategy can be applied to Equity schemes of those Fund Houses which do not have Dynamic Asset Allocation schemes (DAAF, BAF, Dynamic Schemes). This will help work against Investor Behaviour of Greed and Fear . This strategy will Buy Low and Sell High against Investors Behaviour of Buy High - due to GREED and Sell Low - due to FEAR.
This caluclator helps in testing past perfomance for any scenario.